Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Going On A Fairy Hunt

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Our first summertime fun activity is all about fairies, or at least their houses! (I know it sounds girly, but trust me even boys get into this one!)  One of our favorite things to do is building fairy houses.  Now in case you don't know what a fairy house is, it is a small structure for fairies and friends of nature to come and visit. Fairy houses are made out of things only from nature.
A fairy house is kind of like a real house, its all about location, location, location. Take a nature walk around the yard or the park and find the perfect spot to build your fairy house. Some things to keep in mind when searching for the perfect location: shade, water and food source, etc.

We found this puddle of water by a leaky sprinkler in the yard. Looks like a perfect swimming hole for fairies to me!
The leaky sprinkler head just happened to be by this collection of toadstools! What luck!! I'd say we've found our perfect building location!

 While on your search for the best real estate in all the land, keep your eyes open for things that you can build your fairy house with. Remember, fairy houses can only be built with things from nature! Things to look for would be: bark, flowers, rocks, wood chips, leaves, snail shells, feathers, sticks, seeds, etc. Also, be on the lookout for other fairy houses! There could very well be fairies living in the area already, and you just didn't know it! (If you have time it might even be fun to go out before you involve your kids and make a few simple fairy homes throughout the yard, this way they'll find actual fairy homes; this gets them really excited! Trust me! ha ha!)

We picked these fresh berries from the garden so that our fairies could have something to snack on after they went swimming!

These are some items that we've gathered! Look we actually found a a piece of bark that looks just like a door! OK, OK not really! My Uncle made this door and it was just too cute to resist using it for our house!

We did find a piece of bark that had a heart shaped fairy house window though!

After you have found your ideal building spot and gathered all your materials, its time to get to building! There is no specific blueprint to follow, just your imagination to guide you!

The finished product! Looks like a fairy dream house to me! I wonder if any fairies will visit tonight?

The best part about this afternoon?! We created a wonderland in our everyday surroundings, and it didn't cost me a penny! OK, that's just a bonus! The real best part is being able to spend time with my daughter; exploring and creating  something together. That's the good stuff!

When you're finished don't forget to take a picture with your fairy house!
  (We would love to see your fairy house, email us at

I hope you have a great time! If you would like additional ideas and perhaps even a book to go with your fairy house building endeavor check out .

1 comment:

  1. I just loved this fairy house idea! I wish my kids where younger and I could still do this with them :( Loved your daughter's big smile at the end of the adventure!
